Julia Rothman

Hello, New York

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An endearing combination [of] memoir and Baedeker . . . serves up factoids and ruminations” along with illustrations of NYC sights from a native artist (The New York Times).
Anyone who hearts New York will love this illustrated homage to the city. Artist, author, and New Yorker Julia Rothman brings humor and tenderness to an eclectic assortment of historical tidbits (how the New York Public Library lion sculptures got their names), idiosyncratic places to visit (where to find the tennis courts at Grand Central Station), interviews with locals (thoughts on love from a Hasidic Jewish landlord), and personal recollections from growing up in the Bronx (fried fish at Johnny’s Reef)—all illuminated in her beloved signature style. A uniquely entertaining and informative city guide, this slice of the Big Apple will delight New York locals and visitors alike.
“The perfect book if you’ve been to the city a million times, live here or have it on your bucket list.” —Design Sponge
“From bodegas to bras, a visual serenade to Gotham's emblems and eccentricities.” —Maria Popova, Brain Pickings
“This ‘illustrated love letter to the five boroughs’ is also a guidebook full of details, including where the original Original Ray’s was, and a journal about oddly memorable New York moments.” —Time Out NY
“ . . . A whimsical, kaleidoscopic perspective on a city that's changing by the second.” —Fast Company
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