Dave Armstrong

Pope Francis Explained: Survey of Myths, Legends, and Catholic Defenses in Harmony with Tradition

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It seems that everyone wants to make the pope into their own image. Those outside the Church want him to be so-called “progressive” and are more than willing to project this attribute onto him, in a huge campaign of wishful thinking. But radical Catholic reactionaries, on the extreme right on the Catholic ecclesiological spectrum, become alarmed that the Church is compromising itself. A third group of obedient orthodox Catholics understand the pope's role and the nature and status of Catholic dogmas (which do not change), yet are confused by something a new pope says or does. Their concern is harmony with the existing tradition. For each “controversy” or supposed “scandal” or thing that Pope Francis said or did that has people in a confused state, I will attempt to show that the pope is in complete harmony with Catholic tradition. My hope and prayer is that my efforts will lessen the confusion of those who are sincerely seeking what the pope intends and means.
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