Beverly Cleary

Beezus and Ramona

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Newbery Award-winner Beverly Cleary delivers a humorous portayal of the ups and downs of sisterhood. Both the younger and older siblings of the family will enjoy this book.
Having a little sister like four-year-old Ramona isn’t always easy for Beezus Quimby. With a wild imagination, disregard for order, and an appetite for chaos, Ramona makes it hard for Beezus to be the responsible older sister she knows she ought to be…especially when Ramona threatens to ruin Beezus’s birthday party. Will Beezus find the patience to handle her little sister before Ramona turns her big day into a complete disaster?
“An important reminder of the good that can come when you throw yourself fully into any situation and draw outside the lines,” says Brightly.com in their article “12 Girls from Fiction Who Are Their Own Heroes.”

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