Barbara Anderson,Rebeca Barroso,Joyce M. Knestrick

DNP Capstone Projects

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“This unique book not only explains the introduction of the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) role but also bridges the DNP essentials with the evidence-based practice framework. It includes wonderful examples of exciting scholarship, but also illustrates how the evidence is then translated into clinical practice…This is a wonderful resource for students completing a DNP degree. It is an excellent book for expanding the understanding of the capstone project and the importance of dissemination of nursing knowledge to improve patient care and outcomes. Weighted Numerical Score: 100 — 5 Stars!”
Kathleen Woodruff
Doody's Medical Reviews

With a unique focus on exemplary, completed DNP capstone projects, this book delivers key information on designing, constructing, and completing a high quality capstone project. It demonstrates the impact that a well-conceived capstone project can have on facilitating change and addresses all program, administrative, policy, and clinical issues that DNP students may encounter during the capstone process. The book examines a variety of capstone projects from across the U.S.--quality improvement projects, strategic plans, advocacy, clinical case narratives, and other innovations--that demonstrate efficacy in clinical nursing practice outcomes and positive impact upon the health care environment.
The book analyzes the components of these exemplary capstones to demonstrate how each has provided leadership for change in practice, promoted interdisciplinary collaboration, contributed to advocacy and policy change, and enhanced quality improvement in health care systems.
Key Features:
Focuses on a wide range of exemplary, completed DNP capstone projects Provides a roadmap for excellence in creating capstone projects Analyzes components of capstones that have effected positive change Includes strategies for implementing evidence-based practices for nurses and other health care providers Highlights DNP leadership and resulting positive changes in clinical practice
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