Robert Kiyosaki

Rich Kid Smart Kid

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Rich Kid Smart Kid is written for parents who value education, want to give their children a financial head start in life, and are willing to take an active role to make that happen.In the Information Age, a good education is more important than ever. But the current educational system may not be providing all the information a child needsto thrive in today’s fast-paced, ever-changing world. This book was designed to fill in the gaps and to give your child the same inspiring and practical knowledge that Robert’s rich dad gave him.Rich Kid Smart Kid will show you how to awaken your child’s love of learning. It will open doors that many never knew existed and give parents the tools and skills and real-world experiences (financial field trips!) that they can share with their child, knowledge he or she can use for the rest of their life. Are you worried that school isn’t preparing your child for the real world? It probably isn’t. Rich Kid Smart Kid can bridge that gap.
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  • uchihaidézett4 évvel ezelőtt
    “True intelligence is knowing what is appropriate, rather than what is simply right or wrong.”


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