Gary Null

No More Allergies

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More than 40 million Americans suffer from allergies that range from wheat to dogs to dust. Some allergies cause a mild hay fever reaction, some cause anaphylactic shock, and some lead to longterm reactions such as chronic fatigue syndrome, Alzheimer’s disease, and even HIV infection. Gary Null offers an alternative solution to the drugs that most western doctors are quick to prescribe.Gary Null writes,? An allergy is . . . due to an immune system that is in hypervigilant mode. The more challenge there is to an immune system, the greater your response will be. … If you have a really strong immune system, your lymphocytes and phagocytes are able to engulf and digest antigens. Therefore, to eliminate allergic responses we must strengthen our immune systems.” He then proceeds to offer advice on exactly which foods will help build up your immune system and which to avoid, which supplements to take, and what other steps you can do to fight back against allergies naturally.Complete with dozens of allergy-fighting recipes and inspiring testimonials, this is a must-have book for anyone suffering from any kind of allergy.
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