Lara Lacombe

Her Lieutenant Protector

A mysterious outbreak propels a doctor and a wounded veteran into deadly danger on the high seas in this suspenseful medical romance.
After a traumatic incident years before, Dr. Mallory Watkins doesn’t trust easily. As the resident doctor aboard the Abigail Adams cruise ship, she’ll be able to focus on her work and escape her troubled past. She’ll just have to be wary of sexy security chief Everest LeBeau . . .
But when passengers suddenly fall sick and a dead body is uncovered, Mallory must turn to the handsome veteran for help. Wary of intimacy since suffering a life-changing military injury, Everest recognizes a kindred spirit in Mallory. His beautiful coworker stirs tender feelings in him he’d long forgotten. While Everest and Mallory close in on a lethal saboteur, trust is at a premium as their lives—and their hearts—are in peril.
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