
Fool Me

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No fooling: hot sex is about to happen!
Cam's Catastrophe
A reckless adventurer, Cam is about to take the wildest April Fool's Day plunge ever: jumping into bed with Dr. Jenna! But it's her own recklessness that fools them both….
Darcy's Dark Day
The clouds lift when Darcy has a sudden opportunity to reel in her longtime crush, Evan! Who'd have guessed that a foolish curse could set up some amazing sex…?
Devon's Dilemma
She's about to take a sexy Chance…but will it be a lucky one? It's a dangerous gamble. But it could transform Devon's devilish dilemma into a delicious one!
Reg's Rescue
Anne desperately wants Reg in her life – for good! But for that to happen, the curse has to be lifted. So she intends to help him break the jinx – just as soon as they get out of bed….
First time to eBook in ANZ
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