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Bokashi Composting

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The safe, clean, and convenient way to compost all  your food scraps.
Bokashi is Japanese for “fermented organic matter.” Bokashi composting is a safe, quick, and convenient way to compost in your kitchen, garage, or apartment, using a specific group of microorganisms to anaerobically ferment all food waste (including meat and dairy). Since the process takes place in a closed system, insects and smell are controlled, making it ideal for urban or business settings. The process is very fast, with compost usually ready to be integrated into your soil or garden in around two weeks.
While bokashi has enjoyed great popularity in many parts of the world, it is still relatively unknown in North America. From scraps to soil, Bokashi Composting is the complete, step-by-step, do-it-yourself guide to this amazing process, with comprehensive information covering:
Background-the history, development and scientific basis of the technique Getting started-composting with commercially available products or homemade systems Making your own-system plans and bokashi bran recipes using common materials and locally sourced ingredients Growing-improving your soil with fermented compost and bokashi juice. This essential guide is a must-read for gardeners, homeowners, apartment dwellers, traditional composters, and anyone who wants a safe, simple, and convenient way to keep kitchen waste out of the landfill.
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  • LupIsisidézett2 évvel ezelőtt
    These microorganisms then go to work consuming sugars from the organic waste and the fermentation process begins. After two weeks of anaerobic fermentation, the fermented organic waste can then be applied directly to your garden soil or mixed with soil to be used as a potting mix.
  • LupIsisidézett2 évvel ezelőtt
    Bokashi composting is much faster than traditional composting.
  • LupIsisidézett2 évvel ezelőtt
    BOKASHI COMPOSTING AT ITS SIMPLEST IS USING MICROORGANISMS to anaerobically ferment organic matter in an acidic environment so it can then be rapidly assimilated into the soil by the soil biota. Bokashi composting is really a fermentation process, not a composting process. By definition, composting is an aerobic process that requires oxygen to properly compost (break down) organic matter. In traditional composting, anaerobic composting is bad and results in unfavorable by-products. With bokashi you can ferment food waste anaerobically and avoid unfavorable by-products by using a specifically selected group of microorganisms that neutralize harmful bacteria and encourage the proliferation of beneficial bacteria.


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