Sue Fortin

Sister Sister

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{"strong"=>["USA Today bestselling author of The Girl Who Lied"]}
Alice: Beautiful, kind, manipulative, liar.
Clare: Intelligent, loyal, paranoid, jealous.
Clare thinks Alice is a manipulative liar who is trying to steal her life.
Alice thinks Clare is jealous of her long-lost return and place in their family.
One of them is telling the truth. The other is a maniac.
Two sisters. One truth.
{"strong"=>["What people are saying about SISTER SISTER:"]}
‘I would definitely recommend this if you love psychological thrillers’ — Stardust Book Reviews
‘Sister Sister has everything — conflict, family secrets and betrayal, all of which go to make it thoroughly deserving of the five stars I’ve given it’ — Brook Cottage Books
‘A truly absorbing psychological thriller’ — Joan Hill, Reviewing Recommended Reads
‘Gobsmacked…a thrilling finale’ Rachel’s Random Reads
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  • Refiloe Masitaidézett6 évvel ezelőtt
    I feel a surge of love for this man. He is my best friend, my lover, my husband, my everything.
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