Adeline Yen Mah

A Thousand Pieces of Gold: A Memoir of China’s Past Through its Proverbs

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In this poignant memoir the New York Times bestselling author of Falling Leaves, Adeline Yen Mah, provides a fascinating window into the history and cultural soul of China. Combining personal reflections, rich historical insights, and proverbs handed down to her by her grandfather, Yen Mah shares the wealth of Chinese civilization with Western readers. Exploring the history behind the proverbs, she delves into the lives of the first and second emperors and the two rebel warriors who changed the course of Chinese life, adding stories from her own life to beautifully illustrate their relevance and influence today.
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  • Dejan Papicidézett7 évvel ezelőtt
    When Ye Ye was in a good mood, he would be practicing calligraphy and humming a tune from Beijing opera.


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