Lynne Graham,Emilie Rose,Susan Meier

Rags To Riches: Hired For His Satisfaction

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{"strong"=>["Handsome Daddies!"]}
After one incredible night with a sexy businessman, cleaner Rosie Gray finds out she’s pregnant. She demands to see Alex Kolovos, the father to her unborn baby. No one knows of this Alex, they only know Alexius the business’s CEO. Then Alexius proposes the unbelievable…
Tory is loving looking after Chance Montgomery’s adorable twins: two sets of beautiful big blue eyes and chubby cheeks. She’s taking nappy-changing in her stride, but nothing prepares Tory for being around their handsome daddy day in, day out…
Pierce needs a nanny, but Anna, comes with an infant of her own. So now Pierce who never intended to be a father is living in a home filled with babies. And he can’t resist desirable Anna. But when a complication threatens everything, will the billionaire daddy fight for what’s become his?
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