Martin Li

The Scottish Highlands & Island of Skye

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This is based on our 592-page Adventure Guide to Scotland, but it zeroes in on the Highlands and the island of Skype. Also includes and extensive introductory section on Scotland as a whole. Comprehensive background information — history, culture, geography and climate — gives you a solid knowledge of each destination and its people. Regional chapters take you on an introductory tour, with stops at museums, historic sites and local attractions. Places to stay and eat; transportation to, from and around your destination; practical concerns; tourism contacts — it's all here! Detailed regional and town maps feature walking and driving tours. Then come the adventures — fishing, canoeing, hiking, rafting and more. Includes extensive lists of recommended outfitters, with all contact details — e-mail, website, phone number and location. The definitive guide to every aspect of the Highlands and Skype — the legends, the clans, the castles and romantic hotels, the Highland games and, of course, the whiskey. This long-time Scotland resident takes us to every site you will want to see.
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