Daniel Rodriguez

The Sorcerer

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It had been a thousand years since Yoden was at war with his once young apprentice, Arkham. Magic, it seemed for the poor sorcerer, had more power in his realm than he had anticipated. Yoden had not foreseen the creation of Dark Magic. Being the first of his kind, a sage of magic, how could he? From what part of the universe did he arise, it is a mystery: an unfamiliar piece in the puzzle called life. His life’s goal, however, was unmistakable. Companionship is craved in the enormity of the cosmos, companionship in the form of a new apprentice.
Deo Tinsley, a child from earth has been chosen by Yoden’s source of power, his precious hat. This holds the key to the earth’s salvation. Here, on our planet, we find ourselves in the middle of a secret war that has been going on before “Dinosaurs” overtook the planet. His story has been unheard of, his legacy, empty. But now Sorcerer Yoden must act and protect our world from those who dare take it from us. Yoden must find his next apprentice.

Deo Tinsley is now a teenager boldly heading off to the next chapter in his life, college. But behold, fate has chosen him as the next important sorcerer to save mankind from the tyranny of Arkham. Arkham, Yoden’s first apprentice, now nemesis, has been informed of the recent prodigy and will stop at nothing to obtain his source of power: for Deo wields Yoden’s prized possession, his hat. Arkham, unable to enter Earth after his banishment, sends his own apprentice, Nox, to fulfill his dark deed. But Nox has plans of his own. Faced with certain deadly encounters Deo is not alone on his quest. With the help of Sorcerer Goobert and his animal guardian Milo, Deo will have the power to choose his own fate, find the truth to his own destiny and in turn uncover facts about his past.
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