Anne M. Fletcher

Thin for Life

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The completely revised and updated national bestseller. You can lose weight on any diet, but if you want to keep it off, read Thin for Life, 2nd Edition.”—Shape
In this new edition of the acclaimed bestseller, award-winning nutritionist Anne M. Fletcher incorporates exciting recent scientific research to show that permanent weight loss is far easier than is commonly believed. Whether you want to lose 10 pounds or 100, Thin for Life will help you master your weight problem by sharing the techniques of the real experts—hundreds of women and men who have lost weight for good. Their hard-won wisdom has been distilled down into ten Keys to Success that will change your body—and your mind . . .
Believe that you can become thin for lifeTake the reinsDo it your wayAccept the food factsNip it in the budLearn the art of positive self-talkMove it to lose itFace life head-onGet more out of lifeDon’t go it alone  
“Anyone who has tried and failed to lose unwanted pounds and keep them off should read this book.”—Jane Brody, New York Times personal health columnist, from the foreword
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