Lance M.Dodes

Breaking Addiction

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“Dr. Dodes’s approach runs directly counter to the paralyzing, but standard, message of ‘powerlessness’—a mes­sage that reinforces the sense of helplessness that is at the root of addicts’ life predicaments! Many psychiatrists recognize that this is where we must head, but Dr. Dodes is one with the guts to shine a beacon in the right direction.”

—Stanton Peele, PhD, author of 7 Tools to Beat Addiction and The Life Process Program of Treatment

The follow-up to his groundbreaking volume The Heart of Addiction, Dr. Lance Dodes’s Breaking Addiction is a step-by-step guide to beating addiction of any kind—from drugs and gambling to alcoholism, overeating, and sex addiction. By recognizing and understanding the emotional forces underlying addictive behaviors, Dr. Dodes says any dangerous, life-destroying obsession can be overcome. Including special bonus sections for both families and health-care professionals, Breaking Addiction is the new handbook for those suffering from addiction—a valuable resource that addresses addiction’s root causes and serves as an alternative to Alcoholics Anonymous and similar recovery programs.

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  • HarperCollins Publishers
    • 17.9K
    • 273
  • Lene Damgaard Bay Gjelstrup
    • 24
    • 2
  • Brandolyn Chappell
    • 16
    • 2
  • Mădă Madalina
    • 27
  • Lene Damgaard Bay Gjelstrup
    • 5
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