Mina Carter

Rescued by her Alien Protector

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Prepared to put her life on the line, she didn’t expect to lose her heart.
Vice President Madison Cole is used to having a target on her back. Being captured by aliens? An acceptable risk to get what she needs. What she didn’t count on was falling for the ‘enemy’, a handsome alien warrior with a hero’s heart.
Before they can have their happily ever after though, she must return home one last time…
He’s been loyal to the empire all his life. Will he betray everything he knows to save the woman he loves?
Danaar K’Vass is on the brink of gaining everything he’s ever wanted. A position as War Commander in the Latharian Empire and a mate, the beautiful human female, Madison Cole.
But enemies conspiring in the shadows mean Madison is taken from him, and thrown in a brutal human prison, he faces an impossible choice….
Break his vows to the empire and risk an intergalactic war… or lose his mate forever.
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