Gary Null

Reboot Your Brain

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Drug-free techniques for improving cognitive abilities and emotional health.
Quality of life means keeping all your organs and systems functioning at their best—and that includes your brain.
The culmination of thirty-five years of research in anti-aging sciences, this book provides natural techniques to help prevent and treat Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, memory loss, depression, anxiety, dementia, and other brain-related ailments. Gary Null describes each condition and prescribes the appropriate mix of diet, exercise, lifestyle modifications, and nutritional supplements to restore maximum mental health. Did you know that caffeine can contribute to depression? Or that zinc, taken in the right dosage, can diminish tremors from Parkinson’s? Null describes homeopathic and herbal remedies, supplements, and recipes that are beneficial for each specific condition, giving advice that is groundbreaking and yet simple enough to be adapted by anyone.
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