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Art in the world

Books to supplement exhibitions around the world.
    Bookmatehozzáadott egy könyvet a könyvespolchozArt in the world2 hónappal ezelőtt
    The legendary medieval tapestry The Lady and the Unicorn is Sutherland Lyall’s starting point for this journey into the world of mythology and mystery which has been woven around the myth of the unicorn and the lady.
    Bookmatehozzáadott egy könyvet a könyvespolchozArt in the world3 hónappal ezelőtt
    This book encapsulates the raw energy, innovation and indomitable spirit of artists who dare to make the city their canvas.
    Bookmatehozzáadott egy könyvet a könyvespolchozArt in the world4 hónappal ezelőtt
    Egon Schiele's indelible artistic legacy defies categorization, marked by an extraordinary precocity that brought taut expressivity to his work. Admitted to the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts at sixteen, Schiele's distinctive style emerged from the Jugendstil movement, influenced by Gustav Klimt.

    His unflinching exploration of the human form, both physical and psychological, faced controversy, leading to his imprisonment in 1912 on moral charges. Despite financial struggles, Schiele's genius eventually gained recognition, tragically cut short by the 1918 influenza epidemic, claiming the lives of both him and his wife at the age of twenty-eight.
    Bookmatehozzáadott egy könyvet a könyvespolchozArt in the world5 hónappal ezelőtt
    Featuring images from the 17th to the 21st century, this Mega Square book is a captivating examination of the complex role lingerie plays in our culture.
  • Carl Klaus
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  • Bookmatehozzáadott egy könyvet a könyvespolchozArt in the world7 hónappal ezelőtt
    Intrigued by evil and gore, Stoker developed a literary presence effortlessly translated to screen by Murnau, Bela Lugosi, Christopher Lee, and Francis Ford Coppola. Dracula became such an obsession as it embodied a taboo subject matter: the desire for blood and sex.

    Filled with extraordinary pictures of the Count, his literary companions, and the movie idols, this is a treasure only to be read by daylight!
    Bookmatehozzáadott egy könyvet a könyvespolchozArt in the world10 hónappal ezelőtt
    Bosch's art is often filled with complex symbolism and allegorical narratives. A dedicated book can help decipher the hidden meanings behind the various creatures, objects, and compositions in his works. By gaining a deeper understanding of the symbols, you can uncover the underlying messages and themes expressed by the artist.
    Bookmatehozzáadott egy könyvet a könyvespolchozArt in the worldelőző év
    Gothic art was created within a specific cultural context, and by studying it, you can gain a better understanding of the cultural values and beliefs of medieval Europe. This can help you develop a broader perspective on the world and the various ways in which cultures have evolved.
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    Naïve art, also known as outsider art or primitive art, is a style of art that is created by self-taught artists who have had no formal training in art. This style of art is characterized by its simplicity, childlike quality, and lack of formal training. It often evokes strong emotional reactions in viewers because of its simplicity and directness.
    Bookmatehozzáadott egy könyvet a könyvespolchozArt in the worldelőző év
    Hopper's paintings often explore themes of loneliness, isolation, and the human condition. Open this book to reflect on your own experiences and perspectives
    Bookmatehozzáadott egy könyvet a könyvespolchozArt in the worldelőző év
    The story and the paintings that Frida left us display a courageous account of a woman constantly in a search of self-discovery.
  • Gerry Souter
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  • Bookmatehozzáadott egy könyvet a könyvespolchozArt in the worldelőző év
    Anxious and depressed, Vincent van Gogh produced more than 2000 artworks, yet sold only one in his lifetime. A self-made artist, his work is known for its rough and emotional beauty and is amongst the most popular in the art market today.
    Bookmatehozzáadott egy könyvet a könyvespolchozArt in the world8 évvel ezelőtt
    Drawing on Byzantine, Ancient Egyptian and Japan art, Klimt was the toast of early twentieth century Vienna, and his visual legacy is strong.
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    Piet Mondrian was a Dutch painter who pioneered neoplasticism — his signature style of white, black lines and primary colours. Later he experimented with cubism.
  • Jp.A.Calosse
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  • Bookmatehozzáadott egy könyvet a könyvespolchozArt in the world8 évvel ezelőtt
    Pollock was a leading painter of the twentieth century.
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    The art of the polymath Leonardo da vinci is one of the highlights of the renaissance.
    Bookmatehozzáadott egy könyvet a könyvespolchozArt in the world8 évvel ezelőtt
    The great genius and his paintings.
    Bookmatehozzáadott egy könyvet a könyvespolchozArt in the world8 évvel ezelőtt
    Audobon painted all the birds in North America.
    Bookmatehozzáadott egy könyvet a könyvespolchozArt in the world8 évvel ezelőtt
    Tiffany was one of the world's great collectors.
  • Charles De Kay
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  • Bookmatehozzáadott egy könyvet a könyvespolchozArt in the world8 évvel ezelőtt
    A seminal sculptor, Rodin's The Thinker and other works demand the viewer's attention with their powerful impressionistic forms.
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