Robert Louis Stevenson

Treasure Island

Shiver me timbers!Climb aboard for the swashbuckling adventureLong John Silver and Jim Hawkins are destined to remain pieces of folklore. With it's devious plot and motley crew of rogues and villains, it seems unlikely that anyone will ever say no to this timeless classic. Stevenson's riveting tale serves as the basis for such popular portrayals of piracy as one-legged seamen with parrots on their shoulders and treasure maps where an "X" marks the spot. Vibrant art truly captures the excitement. The themes of Robert Louis Stevenson's classic novel Treasure Island; loyalty, adventure, morality and especially coming of age, make it ideal. Beautifully illustrated, this classic graphic novel captures the imagination of readers of all ages and inspires a love of literature and reading. Treasure Island is a must-have for your digital library.
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