Greg Rucka

Journey to Star Wars: The Force Awakens — Shattered Empire. №3

The Emperor is dead, as is his most fearsome agent, Darth Vader. Yet scattered Imperial forces remain intact, loyal to the Galactic Empire, still willing and able to do the bidding of its master. Lieutenant Share Bey and her husband, Sergeant Kes Dameron, have been with the Rebel Alliance since rare and precious, and they once more find themselves separated by duty. Under the command of General Han Solo, Dameron has been deployed with his commando group, the Pathfinders, in ongoing combat operations against the shattered Empire. Meanwhile, Shara Bey has been assigned a light duty, acting as pilot and escort for Princess Leia Organa in an attempt to find allies for the fledgling New Republic. It is this that has brought Bey and Organa to Naboo, the Emperor's homeworld. They are about to discover precisely how far Palpatine will go to protect his secrets...
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