bookmate game
Mary Balogh

A Rogue's Downfall

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The Anniversary
After the Earl of Reardon, one of London's most notorious rakes, ruined the virtue and reputation of a young lady at a masquerade ball on Valentine's Day, he did the honorable thing and married her before settling her at his country estate and abandoning her there. Now, one year later, he has returned home to his wife and young son, wondering if it is too late to woo her properly and make amends for a year of shameful neglect.

The Wrong Door
During a dull evening at a particularly tedious house party Viscount Lyndon, a notorious rake, makes an assignation to spend the night with a willing widow. In the darkness, however, he opens the wrong door and enters the wrong room. He soon finds himself honor-bound to offer for the young lady who was the unfortunate victim of his error. She, however, does not react with predictable meekness. Instead, she sets out to bring him to his knees.

Precious Rogue
Miss Peabody and her mother are ecstatic when Mr. Bancroft, London's most elusive bachelor, accepts an invitation to a house party at their country estate. They boast that he is about to offer marriage. However, it is upon Patricia Mangan, the quiet, unremarkable, impoverished niece Mrs. Peabody treats more as a servant than a relative, that Mr. Bancroft finds himself turning his attentions, surprising himself as much as he surprises her and everyone else.
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  • Sol Matemegosztott egy benyomást7 évvel ezelőtt

    Love it!

  • jessycathyjomegosztott egy benyomást3 évvel ezelőtt
    👍Érdemes elolvasni

  • b24594510362megosztott egy benyomást3 évvel ezelőtt
    👍Érdemes elolvasni


  • Merylidézett4 évvel ezelőtt
    “You will observe that your finger is bare,” he said. “Will you marry me, my love? Because you love me and for no other reason?”

    “Oh,” she said, looking down at her hand. “Oh, yes. Yes, Hugh. For that reason. And for no other.”

    “Well, then.” He released his hold on her and reached into a pocket. “Let us cut this to the bare essentials, shall we?” He fitted her wedding ring over her finger and slid it on. “With this ring I thee wed, my dearest love. Because I love you. For all time.”
  • sarahamutha01038idézett7 évvel ezelőtt
    while the others gaped and Lady Plumtree turned sharply away to smile dazzlingly at Willett’s father.


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