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Lynne Graham

Mistress And Mother

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Read this classic romance by USA Today bestselling author Lynne Graham, now available for the first time in e-book!
Ex-wife, current mistress…and soon-to-be mother of his child!

With their unexpected wedding-day split plastered across the newspaper headlines, everyone wondered just what went wrong between Sholto Cristaldi and Molly Bannister — especially the groom! Now, four years later, Sholto’s ex-wife is back on his doorstep and he’s determined to get answers and to claim his wedding night!
Molly had vowed no pressure or price would ever persuade her to share Sholto’s bed, but she needs his help and so must acquiesce to his deal. But long nights in the billionaire’s bed leave Molly with more than she bargained for… and nine months to win back her husband!
Originally published in 1997
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  • Sujatha Iyengaridézettelőző év
    Pandora seemed to be highly confidential and private, Molly reflected painfully.
    For three weeks, she had been telling herself that whatever had
  • b8588193145idézett2 évvel ezelőtt
    sound childish.’
    Sholto shot back


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