Richard Bowes,Steve Duffy,Barbara Roden,Barry N.Malzberg,Elizabeth Bear,Lisa Tuttle,Margo Lanagan,Kaaron Warren,Carol Emshwiller,Steve Rasnic Tem,John Lang,Bill Pronzini,Melanie Tem,Kathe Koja,Reggie Oliver,Michael Cisco,Nicole J. LeBoeuf

Blood and Other Cravings

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A collection of “mesmerizing tales, each one creepier than the next” that go beyond the traditional vampire myths (Library Journal).
When we think of vampires, an image instantly arises: fangs sunk deep into the throat of the victim. But bloodsucking is merely one form of vampirism. For this brilliantly original anthology, multiple award-winning editor Ellen Datlow solicited stories from many of the most powerfully dark voices in contemporary horror, who conjure tales that will chill readers to the marrow.
In addition to the traditional fanged creatures, Datlow presents stories about the leeching of emotion, the draining of the soul, and other dark deeds of predation and exploitation, infestation, and evisceration . . . tales of life essence, literal or metaphorical, stolen.
Seventeen stories by such acclaimed authors as Elizabeth Bear, Richard Bowes, Kathe Koja, Margo Lanagan, Carol Emshwiller, and Lisa Tuttle redefine the terror of vampirism.
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