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Gail McMeekin

The 12 Secrets of Highly Successful Women

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Popular creative coach Gail McMeekin offers a practical new guide that addresses the specific challenges women face in work and business: low self-esteem, thinking too small, minimising the need for change and how to build self-confidence. McMeekin combines interviews with some of today's most highly successful women along with her own proven success strategies to help readers transcend their "e;blocks"e; and achieve success. The book shows women how to: Dismantle the limiting beliefs that we carry around that have been indoctrinated into our psyche. Take positive, calculated risks that feed your personal, professional and creative growth. Make career changes fueled by passion and purpose. "e;Filter and Focus"e; to give creative ideas time and space to evolve. Create positive priorities. Develop effective strategies to deal with procrastination. De-clutter your life and create a workspace that works for you. How to assemble resources and support. McMeekin's style is readable and well-paced, with hundreds of examples of how women have used these strategies for success.
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  • b4427872691megosztott egy benyomást3 évvel ezelőtt
    👍Érdemes elolvasni
    💡Sokat tanultam

    I am a young women so would say or transfer and I am a very big and bold at supporting women and this book will help me you and everyone

  • RAuommegosztott egy benyomást2 évvel ezelőtt
    👍Érdemes elolvasni

    This book is aburefol books

  • Tenkoimegosztott egy benyomást10 hónappal ezelőtt

    Love this book worth reading for real☺️


  • Maureen Mainaidézett6 évvel ezelőtt
    I need freedom, independence, and a series of creative projects to work on in order to be happy.
  • sikafuturoidézett8 évvel ezelőtt
    Even if you are currently working for someone else, you need to think of yourself as an enterprise.
  • Эльвина Галимоваidézett8 évvel ezelőtt


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