Jonathan Robinson

Find Happiness Now

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"e;You need not read this book from start to finish. Instead, feel free to look at the Table of Contents for a heading that sounds like something you'd really like to know about. If you try them with an open mind and heart, I know you'll be pleased with the results you receive. The fifty tools in this book will give you the edge you need to create a life of success, love, peace and joy. In a word-bliss,"e; writes Robinson. Within each of the four sections – Loving Yourself, Improving Relationships, Connecting with Spirit and Living Your Dreams – readers will find a plethora of easy, practical ways to have better relationships, increased success and enjoyment in their careers, a more loving connection with themselves and a lot more fun in their lives. From the author of the bestselling Communication Miracles for Couples.
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  • Danniidézettelőző év
    From this experience I surmised that the key to overcoming one's fear of rejection is to set it up so that getting rejected is seen as a success. My actual goal was to get ten rejections, and only by doing so would I be rewarded by getting my money back. As I faced my fear, I saw that it wasn't so bad. I could survive. Since I was fully prepared for what would happen, it didn't seem like a big deal anymore. I noticed that with each and every rejection, it got easier. In addition, as my fear went away and I became more relaxed, I was often rewarded with an unexpected “yes.”
  • ireneyena99idézettelőző év
    cult-ure,” tells us we can find “happiness” by pursuing external things—like possessions and achievements.
  • ireneyena99idézettelőző év
    ? Because you think if you had riches, or love, or whatever you say you want, you'd be really happy.
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