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James W. Williams

How to talk to anyone

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Are you always nervous and awkward when surrounded by people? Do you find it difficult interacting with strangers and making meaningful conversations? Do you allow your fear of rejection stop you from having fun at parties, making friends, and leaving a long-lasting good impression? If your answer is YES to all of these, then this book will help you change that. How to Talk to Anyone: 51 Easy Conversation Topics You Can Use to Talk To Anyone Effortlessly addresses the major roadblocks keeping you from building connections and relationships through communication, and provides the best strategies to help you unleash your full potential as an excellent conversationalist.

Inside, you'll find:

The main components of communication, and their importance in making conversationsThe basic guide to making good and proper conversationsThe art of choosing the best conversation topics and making small talks interesting and fulfillingThe aces to use to influence and lead conversations

While other books seek for things you could learn outside, this book chooses to dig deep down into what is already inside you — fears, hidden talent, creativity, and that connection you feel with every human being — and using them to get your desired results in conversations. After reading this book, you will surely feel more confident in facing challenges that keep you tongue-tied and passive at parties, and more determined on being known for your wit, honesty, and charisma.

So grab a copy now, and begin taking this journey towards a more confident, conversation-savvy, and interesting YOU!
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  • b4643032043megosztott egy benyomást2 évvel ezelőtt
    👍Érdemes elolvasni

    Am love it

  • Dusanmegosztott egy benyomást9 hónappal ezelőtt
    👍Érdemes elolvasni

    Give it a try, it's quick to read and it has some good tips and tricks

  • Maria Ilmimegosztott egy benyomást4 évvel ezelőtt

    This easy and fast to read, I liked how he broke down points and and steps. Anyone can learn and start how talk


  • b4440863411idézett2 évvel ezelőtt
    Conversation is give and take, where everyone learns and grows together.
  • Mariano, Ericeidézett2 évvel ezelőtt
    not moving forward will make you a stagnant witness that remains in one place while the rest of the world changes and evolves
  • _angel_ D_idézettelőző év
    assertiveness means being honest with your own feelings, needs, ideas and wants, yet being mindful of other people’s needs and opinions at the same time.


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