Sagar Publications

Children and Astrology

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Child is a very sweet five letter word and is the purest and most innocent creation of God. He manifests all the necessary attributes which takes one nearer to the God. It is rightly said “child is the father of man”. Children are the continuation of the human race into the next generation. They are a blessing from God, because it is not something that just because you want to have a child, so you can have one. In some cases, it is delayed, delayed inordinately or even denied. The craving to have at least one child drives a man/ woman to any extent including artificial insemination. The book gives various astrological combinations for these and also some remedial measures including Mantra/ Tantras. Not to have a child is one serious problem, to lose a child after conceiving one is ten times more grievous and to see one’s child go astray or humiliate his parent is 100 times more pain causing. Our scriptures say that all these are the results of our own karmas of past lives. Birth of a child is not just an accident or event, but is our own undischarged debts or assets of previous lives.
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  • Girish Kumaridézett7 évvel ezelőtt
    The MARS, a natural malefic, though 2-9th lord, gets debilitated here and hence one faces many problems on account of children. His father also may
  • Girish Kumaridézett7 évvel ezelőtt
    from ascendant, Moon, Arudh lagna, Karakamsha lagna, Karaka Jupiter or from the Dasha lord. Similarly in addition to Jupiter, Jaimini’s Putra-Karaka
  • Girish Kumaridézett7 évvel ezelőtt
    The children will be bright and intelligent, but relations among children may not be good. In a female chart, it denotes a beloved and devoted husband.
    ii)The SUN in Virgo will be
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