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Sagar Publications

Children and Astrology

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  • Girish Kumaridézett7 évvel ezelőtt
    The MARS, a natural malefic, though 2-9th lord, gets debilitated here and hence one faces many problems on account of children. His father also may
  • Girish Kumaridézett7 évvel ezelőtt
    from ascendant, Moon, Arudh lagna, Karakamsha lagna, Karaka Jupiter or from the Dasha lord. Similarly in addition to Jupiter, Jaimini’s Putra-Karaka
  • Girish Kumaridézett7 évvel ezelőtt
    The children will be bright and intelligent, but relations among children may not be good. In a female chart, it denotes a beloved and devoted husband.
    ii)The SUN in Virgo will be
  • Girish Kumaridézett7 évvel ezelőtt
    Virgo in 5th house is a feminine, barren, earthy but Shirsodaya
  • Girish Kumaridézett7 évvel ezelőtt
    The RAHU in Leo may lead the native to various anti-social acts. It is also a natural malefic and separatist, hence will be unlucky regarding children and may not have Putra Sukh. It is also indicative of curse of serpents.
  • Girish Kumaridézett7 évvel ezelőtt
    Mercury with Saturn/ Rahu would cause many problems for children.
  • Girish Kumaridézett7 évvel ezelőtt
    The SUN in Gemini is 7th (Kendra) lord in 5th (Trikone) house cause a good Rajyoga, making native an intelligent scholar. He may marry in a highly placed
  • Girish Kumaridézett7 évvel ezelőtt
    surgery to the child and/ or the native during its period. The native will encounter difficulties/ unhappiness from children or from younger siblings. Afflicted Mars causes miscarriage, abortion or children may not survive or cause problems with children, more so in female charts. Mars in Ardra Nakshtra would be very troublesome and may hinder birth of children
  • Girish Kumaridézett7 évvel ezelőtt
    The MARS in Gemini is a malefic in an inimical sign, aspecting 8th house, another sign of Mercury. The native may have few or no children. It may cause injury or
  • Girish Kumaridézett7 évvel ezelőtt
    Sun is associated with Mercury or Ketu, may be the cause of danger to the children, may be even fatal
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