The best thing to do to take care of this is to accept that what is done is done and the future is untold, so all that matters is what you can do right now. What you do in the present can help
Danielle Tidézett10 hónappal ezelőtt
you learn from past mistakes and alter your perception of what will happen in the future.
Johanna Lindseyidézett20 órával ezelőtt
Additionally, when someone overthinks too much, and over a long period of time, they can develop negative thinking patterns as well.
Johanna Lindseyidézett20 órával ezelőtt
Overthinking can be about one thing, or many things at once; however, it is defined as thinking about whatever the issue is with an inability to redirect the mind.
Johanna Lindseyidézett20 órával ezelőtt
good explanation for overthinking disorder is when people think about something for too long and/or too much while being unable to redirect their minds to something else.
Johanna Lindseyidézett20 órával ezelőtt
Overthinking can accompany most people that have problems with negative thoughts and excessive worrying.
Nikka Mae Murzoidézett5 nappal ezelőtt
Cortisol is the hormone that gives us symptoms of anxiety attacks and PTSD trauma.
Nikka Mae Murzoidézett5 nappal ezelőtt
limbic system is affected, our body’s natural instinctual response system sends false signals to our body that we could be in danger.
Nikka Mae Murzoidézett5 nappal ezelőtt
The limbic system is responsible for the emotions we feel, our survival instincts, and our long-term memory.
Nikka Mae Murzoidézett5 nappal ezelőtt
When the brain becomes stressed out due to the lack of sleep resulting from the racing thoughts, parts of the brain actually start to decrease in size or change in shape.