Stephen King,Peter Straub,Ellen Datlow,Glen Hirshberg,Laird Barron,Chet Williamson,Margo Lanagan,Brian Hodge,John Langan,Leah Bobet,David Nickle,Priya Sharma,Simon Bestwick,Livia Llewellyn,A.C. Wise,Alison Littlewood,Terry Lamsley,Anna Taborska

The Best Horror of the Year. Volume 4

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The first three volumes of The Best Horror of the Year have been widely praised for their quality, variety, and comprehensiveness.With tales from Laird Barron, Stephen King, John Langan, Peter Straub, and many others, and featuring Datlow's comprehensive overview of the year in horror, now, more than ever, The Best Horror of the Year provides the petrifying horror fiction readers have come to expectand enjoy.
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