Lisa Barnes

Cooking for Baby

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With these eighty recipes, learn to make fresh, healthy meals for your baby or toddler easily, and how and when to add foods to their diet.
While ready-made baby food is a convenience that every parent can appreciate, feeding everyday fresh foods is the best way to teach a child healthy eating habits and an appreciation for good food from the cradle onwards. The eighty recipes in Cooking for Baby make preparing delicious meals for babies and toddlers a simple matter, even for busy parents. The recipes are organized by age, showing how to introduce cereal grains and simple vegetable and fruit purees at six months, how to move on to meats, pulses and chunkier foods by eight or nine months, and how to graduate to real meals for toddlers twelve to eighteen months to enjoy along with the entire family. With Cooking for Baby, you will be surprised at how simple it is to serve fresh and interesting foods to your child from the very beginning.
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