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Heidi Priebe

This Is Me Letting You Go

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84 nyomtatott oldalak
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  • novikurnia26megosztott egy benyomást5 évvel ezelőtt

    ga lagi letting go, but still its good to imagine how it feels like to be in love or to be loved. semacam The Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down bukunya Haemin Sunim, lebih enak dibaca per bab sesuai kebutuhan

  • pranamegosztott egy benyomást5 évvel ezelőtt
    👍Érdemes elolvasni
    💡Sokat tanultam

    These pages are the best of understanding me when I said I want to learn to let go things, memories, and a person. Empowering and telling me, that everything's gonna be alright, and I'll get healed, tho, after a loss.

  • Melissa Isabellamegosztott egy benyomást5 évvel ezelőtt
    👍Érdemes elolvasni

    Beautiful wordings, so relatable and truthful.


  • Laurencia Kelseyidézett5 évvel ezelőtt
    Timing is a bitch, yes. But it’s only a bitch if we let it be. Here’s a simple truth that I think we all need to face up to: the people we meet at the wrong time are actually just the wrong people.
  • pranaidézett5 évvel ezelőtt
    To love without expectation, you learn to appreciate what’s there. Other people are not ours to own or rearrange or expect things from and the more anticipation we pit onto others, the more we let ourselves down in the end. All we can do is appreciate who we have when we have them, and let them go when we do not. To lend our hearts like vacant hotel rooms: celebrating others when they come in and letting them go when they leave. Understanding that at the end of the day, all we can do is refuse occupancy. But we cannot force anyone to stay.
  • Ronald Honartoidézett5 évvel ezelőtt
    Because some people simply are not meant to stay forever. Some people come into our lives for a season, for a reason, for the simple purpose of showing us the world in a way we would never have seen it otherwise.


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